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Drenje 39F, 52220 Labin

Istrian climate

The best time to visit Istria is in the period from April – October period. Highest temperatures in hot summer months (July and August) can reach over 38⁰C (100⁰F), while the water at the same time reaches a comfortable 26⁰C (79⁰F).

Istrian penninsula has a pleasant Mediterranean climate with mild winters and dry and warm summers with an average of 2400 hours of sunshine per year.Owing to the longest insolation with a daily average of 10 hours on the Istrian coast and tourist resorts, it has plenty of clear days throughout the summer.

The water along the Istrian seasides is preserved and clean, while the swimming season lasts from May to October with the hottest months being July and August. It’s also the time when the gentle maestral, a sea breeze that blows from the sea towards the land, brings refreshment on the shore.

The climate along the coast slowly changes into continental as you move towards the Istrian hinterland which is favorable for plenty of outdoor experiences.

Istria is probably the largest Mediterranean green oasis with its natural Mediterranean flora and fauna, picturesque vineyards and old olive groves, dense evergreen macchia, meadows and fields as well as oak forests and evergreen pines which extend all the way to the coast.